Hepatitis B Vaccination Status And Knowledge Of Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among students Of A Tertiary Institution In Nigeria
Main Article Content
Introduction: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a global health concern, which accounts for about 2 billion infections worldwide, including 360 million chronic infections. It is, however, vaccine preventable. Sadly, in many low- and middle-income countries, vaccine uptake is low, particularly among health workers, who are at a potential risk of occupational exposure to infection. The aim of this
study, therefore, was to determine the HBV vaccination status and knowledge of HBV infection among medical students in Babcock University.
Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study among medical students, in a private university, in Nigeria. Structured-questionnaires were administered to the participants, to obtain their biodemographic characteristics, knowledge of HBV infection and HBV vaccine status.
Results: One hundred and twenty-six medical students were recruited into the study of which 29 (23. 3%) were males and 97 (77.0%) were females. About 81 (64.3%) of the participants had been vaccinated against HBV infection. Also, 119 (94.4%) of the participants had a good knowledge of HBV and 123 (97.6%) of the participants knew of the modes of transmission of HBV.
Conclusion: The study shows a low HBV vaccination status and a high level of knowledge of HBV infection among the students. There is a need to continuously educate medical students and healthcare workers about HBV and the importance of being vaccinated.
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