Patterns And Predictors Of Contraceptive Uptake Among Women Attending Family Planning Clinic In A Tertiary Health Facility In South-West Nigeria: A 10-Year Review
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Contraception is a cost-effective way of reducing maternal morbidity and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa, where its utilisation is still significantly low despite the alarming rate of unemployment and economic downturn. The choice and acceptability of different contraceptives depend on myriad factors. The study aimed to determine the patterns and predictors of contraceptive uptake among women attending a family planning clinic in a tertiary health facility in South-West Nigeria.
This was a 10-year retrospective, descriptive study of the women who sought contraceptive services at the family planning clinic of Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2020. Relevant data were collected from the available records, coded, and analysed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0. Descriptive statistics were computed for all data, and the results were presented in tables and charts. Chi-square was used to test for significance, and a p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
A total number of 3,023 women accessed contraceptive services during the study period with clients between the ages of 17 and 56 years, and the highest percentage (36.3%) of contraceptive usage was between 30-34 years, whereas 8.2% of women below the age of 25 years utilised contraceptive care services. The most common method of contraception used was implants, whereas the least common method was Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL). The relationship between age, parity, and level of education with the preferred methods of contraception was statistically significant (p=0.000). The lowest uptakes of contraception were recorded in 2011 and 2020. Information about contraception predominantly (71.6%) emanated from clinical personnel.
The acceptability of different contraceptive methods is multifactorial, and the relevant stakeholders should be apprised of these critical determinants in policy formulation and implementation.
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