Systematic Review Of Annona Muricata Linn. Extract On Prostate Cancer

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C.I. Uruaka
V Nnoka
C.C. Ogbu
M Gboun
I.L. Oboro
O.O. Ebong
L.N. Ossai-Chidi


Introduction: Cancer is the world’s most prevalent cause of death, accounting for about 10 million fatalities in 2020. Prostate cancer is the sixth leading cause of cancer death worldwide and the second most common malignancy occurring in men. Compounds derived from Annonna muricata (A. muricata), a member of the Annonaceae family have been documented to have positive effects against various cancers including prostate cancer.

Methodology: The study examined scientific reports on the effects of A. muricata on prostate cancer, to identify the phytochemically active components that exert beneficial and/or toxic effects on prostate cancer. Scientific publications on PubMed, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect electronic databases were searched for cohort, quasiexperimental and randomized controlled trials. Keywords and MeSH terms for the search were developed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.

Results: A total of eighty-eight (88) studies were identified from the databases, among which twelve (12) were selected that met the screening criteria in line with the study objectives. This review has shown that the pharmacodynamics, safety, tolerability, and efficacy of A. muricata and its phytochemical constituents (including cyclic hexapeptides, flavonoids, isoquinoline alkaloids and importantly annonaceous acetogenins) on various cancers have been extensively reported. A. muricata extracts caused a reduction in prostatic weight, prevented, and reversed prostatic hyperplasia and attenuated inflammatory and antioxidant indices. Mechanistically, they
reduced prostatic hyperplasia by hormone modulation, down-regulation and reduction of cellular proliferation and necrosis with good efficacy, safety profile and minimal toxicity were found.

Conclusion: This study has shown that the active phytochemical constituents identified in A. muricata extract have the potential to be employed as promising agents for management of prostate cancer. Clinical studies are therefore strongly recommended to establish their usefulness in management of prostate cancer. 


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Uruaka , C., Nnoka , V., Ogbu , C., Gboun , M., Oboro , I., Ebong , O., & Ossai-Chidi , L. (2023). Systematic Review Of Annona Muricata Linn. Extract On Prostate Cancer. African Journal of Research in Medical and Health Sciences, 1(1), 38-44.



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