Evaluation And Estimation Of Environmental Background Exposure And Associated Risk In A Radiologic Facility
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Background: Individuals are exposed to small amounts of ionizing radiation daily from the environment as background radiation. The study evaluated and estimated the environmental background exposure and associated risk in a radiologic facility.
Method: The study was an empirical study in a private radiodiagnostic facility in Port Harcourt. The universal coordinates of the specific locations around the facility were evaluated using a GPS machine while a survey meter Radiation Alert Inspector with a current calibration was used to obtain the background radiation exposure rate within and outside the facility. The background exposure rates were used to calculate the Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (AEDE) which was also later used to estimate the Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR). Data obtained was collated and tabulated and then analyzed using descriptive statistics with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) windows version 22.30 statistical software (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA). The results obtained were presented in tables, charts and graphs.
Results: The mean outdoor and indoor background radiation exposure rates were 0.00296±0.003150mR/hr and 0.0046±0.0055124mR/hr respectively. The absorbed dose ranges from 8.7nGyℎ−1 to 130.5nGyℎ−1 with ELCR ranging from 4.670×10-5 to 70.020×10-5 respectively.
Conclusion: The mean indoor background radiation rate was higher than the mean outdoor background radiation exposure rate. The Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk outside ranges 4.670×10-5 to 70.020×10-5 which implies that 5 to 70 persons out of 105 individuals will develop some sort of ionizing radiation related diseases or cancer in their life.
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