An Unusual Giant Recurrent Goiter: A Case Report and Literature Review
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Introduction: Giant goiter is a rare disease condition, and is defined by an enlargement of the thyroid gland of at least 10 g/kg body weight or a thyroid tumour larger than 10 cm in diameter. This case report presents an unusual giant recurrent goiter observed at the Surgery Out-patient Clinic of Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt.
Case Presentation: A 30-year-old female who presented to our centre on account of anterior neck swelling lasting 10 years. The patient showed no toxic or compressive symptoms, had no weight loss, and had previously undergone goitre surgery. Examination revealed a massive, asymmetrical anterior neck mass (20 cm x 20 cm) that moved with swallowing but not with tongue protrusion, accompanied by palpable cervical lymph nodes. The neck CT-Scan dimensions were 168.2 x 206.7 x 210.7mm, and the thyroid function test was normal. A neck CT scan showed dimensions of 168.2 x 206.7 x 210.7 mm, and thyroid function tests were normal. The diagnosis was giant recurrent non-toxic multinodular goitre.
Conclusion: The patient’s surgical care was challenged by various individual socioeconomic and healthcare givers, and health system factors. There is a need for political and administrative efforts to address the health needs of the Nigerian population adequately
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